Rhynchophorus ferrugineus was recently found in the laguna beach area of orange county, california cdfa, 2010. Biology and management of the red palm weevil, rhynchophorus. Rhynchophorus ferrugineus is a major economic pest of coconut palm, date palm, oil palm, sago palm and a range of ornamental palms. This pest poses the biggest threat to areas where host material is present. Dolinski, in microbial control of insect and mite pests, 2017. Continuous rearing of the red palm weevils, rhynchophorus. Since the mid 1980s, red palm weevil rpw has caused serious damage. Rhynchophorus bilineatus montrouzier, 1857 black palm weevil. Journal of developmental biology and tissue engineering 5. Taxonomy, distribution, biology, and life cycle pages.
Curculionidae, is one of the most destructive pests of palms in the world. Curculionidae is widely distributed in southern asia and melanesia. The red palm weevil rpw rhynchophorus ferrugineus is the major destructive insect pest of a broad range of palm trees. The red palm weevil rhynchophorus ferrugineus is an invasive exotic species and phytosanitary quarantine species which is present in spain since 1995, when it was detected in granada and malaga. Summary the red palm weevil rpw, rhynchophorus ferrugineus, has been known as a pest for more than one century in its native area.
The life cycle, distribution, oviposition, courting and mating behaviour, and male to male and female to female interactions are described. Rhynchophorus ferrugineus, and the taxonomy has changed multiple times in the past. Bioecology and integrated management of the red palm weevil. Insecta, holometabola, coleoptera, curculionidae common name. The females deposit about 300500 eggs in separate holes they produced while searching for food or injuries on the palm or take advantage of the cracks or wounds in a recently cut palm. All the stages of rpw live on palms, and more specifically in palm tissues. Experimental set up for an efficacy test against rhynchophorus ferrugineus under controlled environment courtesy. Larval duration of different instars was significantly affected by different diets, except for the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th larval instars.
Morphology and physiology of palm trees as related to. All stages egg, larva, pupa and adult are spent inside the palm itself and the life cycle cannot be completed elsewhere. Biology of red palm weevil, rhynchophorus ferrugineus olivier coleoptera. These are the rhynchophorus spp and the oryctes spp, commonly known as bayelsa suya or maggot meat. Conventional pest management practices are not adequate to control this insect, thus the. Cultural value of the palm weevil is evident due to larvae being harvested and used as food ekpo and onigbinde, 2005. Rhynchophoridae in coconut and date palm during the last one hundred years. Curculionidae is a palm borer native to south asia, which has spread mainly due to the movement of cryptically infested. Biology for you by gareth williams pdf download ebook. Here, we report a comprehensive characterisation of crisprcas systems identified in s. The red palm weevil, rhynchophorus ferrugineus olivier, is native to south asia and melanesia, where it is a serious pest of palms. Preparation of red palm weevil rhynchophorus ferrugineus. The palm weevil rhynchophorus ferrugineus is one of two species of snout beetle known as the red palm weevil, asian palm weevil or sago palm weevil. Effects of gamma radiation on various stages of red palm weevil, rhynchophorus ferrugineus f.
The weevil is dispersed in the old world, and described on 26 palm species in 16 different genera. The larvae fed on sugar cane slices slowly developed to exhibit. Rhynchophorus ferrugineus rhycfeoverview eppo global. Biology and management of the red palm weevil, rhynchophorus ferrugineus. Aug 15, 2011 rhynchophorus ferrugineus was recently found in the laguna beach area of orange county, california cdfa, 2010. Curculionidae, in phoenix canariensis under mediterranean climate.
African palm weevil, rhynchophorus phoenicis fabricius, 1801 coleoptera. All of these species have long been semicultivated or farmed by indigenous peoples and are excellent examples of how harvests of edible insects from. In the mid1980s, the rpw was discovered attacking palms in the arabian peninsula 9,3. Originating in humid tropical asia 4,5, the species has managed to expand its geographical range of occurrence well beyond areas that might seem suitable for the weevil at first glance. Rhynchophorus ferrugineus, is a serious pests of palms throughout south and southeast asia which are the native habitat of this pest 1. The crisprcas adaptive immune system has been attracting increasing scientific interest for biological functions and biotechnological applications. The adult beetles are relatively large, ranging between two and four centimeters long, and are usually a rusty red colourbut many colour variants exist and have often been classified as different species e. This chapter summarizes the research developed during the last century on different aspects of the red palm weevil r.
The palmetto weevil is native to florida and until recently was the only species of palm weevil in the continental united states. The major species are rhynchophorus palmarum in the western hemisphere, r. The same vascular bundles function for many years and do not regenerate. States with the highest host density for this pest include florida and some parts of louisiana and california usdacphst, 2010. It feeds on a broad range of palms including coconut, sago, date, and oil palms rajamanickam et al.
Predicting the potential worldwide distribution of. Rhynchophorus ferrugineus start of a breeding project youtube. The red palm weevil rhynchophorus ferrugineus is a bug local tropical areas of. Infestation by rpw varies in relation to the height and age of palm trees and most likely is restricted to 01 m height above soil surface and to. The largest weevil in north america is the palmetto weevil, rhynchophorus cruentatus fabricius. The red palm weevil, rhynchophorus ferrugineus, is a species of snout beetle also known as the asian palm weevil or sago palm weevil. Dec 20, 2015 biology of red palm weevil, rhynchophorus ferrugineus olivier coleoptera. The red palm weevil rpw, rhynchophorus ferrugineus, has been known as a pest for more than one century in its native area. Basic bioecological parameters of the invasive red palm weevil, rhynchophorus ferrugineus coleoptera.
General information about rhynchophorus ferrugineus rhycfe eppo global database. Infestation by rpw varies in relation to the height and age of palm trees and most likely is restricted to 01 m height above soil surface and to palms up to 10 years old. Biological studies on red palm weevil rhynchophorus. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the creative commons cc0 license. The adult beetles are relatively large, ranging between two and four centimeters long, and vary from a rusty red colour to almost entirely black. A hand book of economic entomology for south india. The palms unique vascular system is made up of thousands of separate bundles embedded in parenchyma tissue. Ipm of the red palm weevil, rhynchophorus ferrugineus. Introduction the invasive red palm weevil, rhynchophorus ferrugineus olivier coleoptera.
A key to related genera and the revision of this species was provided by wattanapongsiri 1966. Taxonomy, distribution, biology, and life cycle the red palm weevil rpw, rhynchophorus ferrugineus, has been known as a pest for more than one century. In date palm, phoenix dactylifera, control methods revolve around the use of food baited pheromone traps. Ishs xxviii international horticultural congress on science and horticulture for people ihc2010. Rhynchophorus ferrugineus, the red or asian palm weevil rpw, has a long history of invading new areas. Pdf the red palm weevil rpw rhynchophorus ferrugineus olivier.
Curculionidae is distributed throughout the tropical regions of africa where it is considered a pest due to its infestation of palm temitope, 20 used to produce products of value. Biology and behaviour of the coconut weevil rhynchophorus. Palm weevil larva rhynchophorus ferrugineus consumption. Andrea minuto centro di saggio e laboratorio fitopatologico, cersaa, albenga it adult female of rhynchophorus ferrugineus. Once, the palmetto weevil was considered a minor pest, attacking only severely wounded and dying trees. In addition, they provided some information on the biology of this predator in the laboratory. It was concluded that the pest is widely distributed in. Rhynchophorus ferrugineus start of a breeding project. Abstractrna interference rnai is a powerful strategy for gene function analysis, and it is also widely studied in view of a promising use in pest control. Factsheet rhynchophorus ferrugineus olivier red palm weevil. Rnaimediated gene silencing in rhynchophorus ferrugineus. Biology and management contains the most comprehensive and uptodate information on the red palm weevil and the palm borer moth, two newly emergent invasive palm pests which are adversely affecting palm trees around the world. Synonymy of rhynchophorus ferrugineus olivier, 1790 and r, vulneratus panzer, 1798 coleoptera, curculionidae, rhynchophorinae. Red palm weevil rpw, rhynchophorus ferrugineus olivier, is a.
Genetics and molecular biology of entomopathogenic fungi. This book highlights studies on potential invasive pests, focusing on pests from south america, central america and the islands of the caribbean basin. In date palm, phoenix dactylifera, control methods revolve around the use of food baited pheromone traps, while in. Curculionidae, is one of the most devastating pests of palm in the world. Mar 16, 2020 since gaining a foothold on date palm in the near east during the mid1980s, the red palm weevil rpw rhynchophorus ferrugineus olivier has spread rapidly over the last three decades and is now a major pest of palms in a diverse range of agroecosystems worldwide. In the early eighties it was first recorded outside its natural range of occurrence when it was. It provides stateoftheart scientific information on the ecology, biology, and management of palm pests from a global group of experts.
Nutritional potentials of the larva of rhynchophorus phoenicis f. Notes on taxonomy and nomenclature top of page the genus rhynchophorus contains ten species, of which seven, including r. The red palm weevil, rhynchophorus ferrugineus, an indigenous species from south east asia, has recently become one of the most dangerous pests of palms around the globe. This pest insect is considered a potential candidate as an edible insect for industrial production. This insect, originally from the tropical regions of asia and polynesia, has extended continuously through other areas of the planet, colonising different species of palm trees. Rhynchophorinae, in the laboratory and field, life cycle, biological characteristics in its zone of introduction in spain, biological method of detection and possible control. The biology and behaviour of rhynchophorus palmarum were studied in the laboratory, using adults collected from oil palms from 6 locations in venezuela. Rhynchophorinae, in the laboratory and field life cycle, biological characteristics in its zone of introduction in spain, biological method of detection and possible control. International symposium on the challenge for a sustainable. Palm weevil rhynchophorus ferrugineus olivier coleoptera.
Red palm weevil, rhynchophorus ferrugineus olivier. This pest feeds primarily on arecaceae such as dates palms. Red palm weevil rhynchophorus ferrugineus olivier, 1790. Rhynchophorus ferrugineus olivier there is an array of color variations across the native and introduced range of.
Oct 25, 2016 this pest insect is considered a potential candidate as an edible insect for industrial production. The red palm weevil rpw, rhynchophorus ferrugineus olivier, is an economically important tissueboring pest of date palm in many parts of the world 8. It is extensively distributed in oceania, asia, africa and europe and. Bioecology and integrated management of the red palm.
Dec 18, 2015 rhynchophorus ferrugineus, the red or asian palm weevil rpw, has a long history of invading new areas. The occurrence and biological characters of red palm weevil. Morphology and histology of the alimentary tract of adult palm weevil, rhynchophorus phoenicis fabricius coleoptera. Palmae, including the sago palm cycas revolute thunb. The occurrence and biological characters of red palm. Biology and management of the red palm weevil 3 characters of the pronotum thomas, 2010, but other morphological characters are necessary when trying to separate r.
Basic bioecological parameters of the invasive red palm. International journal of tropical insect science 26. Rhynchophorus ferrugineus rhycfephotos eppo global database. Since the 1980s, this weevil has spread rapidly throughout many other parts of the world, reaching the united states southern california in 2010.
The red palm weevil rpw rhynchophorus ferrugineus olivier coleoptera. Rhynchophorus, or common name palm weevil, is a genus of beetles in the weevil family, curculionidae. Rhynchophorus phoenicis fabricius, 1801 insects as food. Biology and management of red palm weevil springerlink. Palm weevil larva rhynchophorus ferrugineus consumption as. Three specimens that was obtained from a palm in northeast spain, showing the expansion of this species. Palm weevils are major pests of various trees in the family arecaceae throughout the tropics including. It has proved to be a devastating pest in many parts of the mediterranean where.
Rhynchophorus ferrugineus olivier are also addressed. Since gaining a foothold on date palm in the near east during the mid1980s, the red palm weevil rpw rhynchophorus ferrugineus olivier has spread rapidly over the last three decades and is now a major pest of palms in a diverse range of agroecosystems worldwide. This book focuses on two invasive insect pests, the red palm weevil rhynchophorus ferrugineus red palm weevil, rpw and the moth. The palm weevil rhynchophorus vulneratus is one of two species of snout beetle known as the red palm weevil, asian palm weevil, or sago palm weevil. Detection of a chemical marker from ovipositing females in. The adult beetles are relatively large, ranging between two and five centimeters long, and are usually a rusty red colourbut many colour variants exist and have often been classified as different species e.
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